Saturday, October 24, 2009

2-D November News and Events!

ALRIGHTY, kids. We have much to talk about.

1) Life Drawing!
There is a life drawing on November 17th with the ballerinas. If you are in AP or art 3/4 you have to be there, but if you are in Art 1 you should still come because it's a really awesome opportunity to draw the human form from life! Everyone who comes needs to bring 5 bucks. More info will be posted in the art room as the date gets closer.

2) Scholastic!
On the 18th of November we wanted to have a Scholastic Challenge Fest! People who are participating in the Scholastic Challenge will bring their ideas, projects, and materials and get input from your peers. It will be from 2:45-5:30. Stay as long as you like :)

3) LO Reads Discussion Group!
If you are participating in the LO Reads activity (You know who you are because you have the book we have to read), we are having a readers discussion on November 11th from 2:45-3:45! You need to have the book read. At this discussion group we will make some decisions on dates that we will work on the project together as a group.

4) Movie Night?
We want to have a movie night! If you have any suggestions on movies to watch, or you have a hella awesome house that we could host it at, please contact LINDSAY or KAREN (face to face, facebook message, reply to this blog, text, etc.) We want this to happen in November.

5) Book Binding!
This is starting on October 27th during 4th period on white days! This is a reminder to those of you who signed up.

6) LO Library
We have a sign up sheet for those of you who want to help set up at the LO Library. I believe that this will take place during a 4th period class (on a blue day maybe?). So if you want more info or signed up and you have a 4th period class refer back to the sign up sheet.

7)Paint the Darkroom!
The first day we work on this will be on November 3rd during 4th period (blue day). So if you don't have a class that period we need a few people to help out. There is a sign up sheet in the art room. :)

I think that's all I needed to talk about (I know it's a lot). So if some of the information is confusing on here feel free to leave a comment with your question and I'll try and message you back with the answer :)


Monday, October 19, 2009

Induction Ceremony! OCT 21ST


We are having our INDUCTION CEREMONY on OCTOBER 21st 2009 from 3:00-3:15, and all of you are required to be there. Along with your beautiful selves, you need to bring a quote about art or a quote from an artist to read during the ceremony. Make it meaningful to you.

After the ceremony on OCTOBER 21ST we will be having our first meeting and our first service project. In order to remain a member in good standing, you are required to attend the meeting afterwards from 3:15-3:30.

The service project afterwards is optional, but you will be super bummed out if you don't come because we will be carving pumpkinsssss!! The service project will take place from 3:30-4:30. You will need 10 hours of art community service approved by McBride or Amy by May and this is your first opportunity!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

NAHS 2-D goes to Open Studios!

Open studios was so much fun this Saturday! Ms. McBride, Karen, and I along with 5 other members of NAHS went to Portland and talked to various artists in their studios. I have four videos of artists talking about their art and their processes, along with one video about the weather. Which was very, very rainy. Haha. I'm still working on uploading the William Park video, so be expecting that one soon! (it takes hours to upload a 7 minute HD video to youtube ;_;)




